
Grammar & Language

Manuscript writing requires authors to take into account subtle differences in language usage. In keeping with this, the author of this article explains how the terms …
Scientific writing: Difference in meaning of "about," "around," and "approximately"
Having written a paper for submission to a chosen journal, you will need to write something more, namely a letter or an e-mail addressed to the editor of the target…
A guide to effective academic communication for non-native speakers of English
When it comes to writing, all information is not equal: some of it is given as an aside—not essential, but interesting, useful, or "nice to know." How do you mark this…
Quick tips on using commas, brackets, and dashes in a research paper
Poor English can delay the publication of research. A recent article in New Scientist, a British weekly science magazine, mentions that poor English “is another fac
Can poor English affect the publication and impact of research?
Scientific writing is all about being accurate, brief, and objective, and as editors or writers, we should reduce the bias that creeps in from the use of insensitive…
Sensitivity in scientific writing
When writing a research paper, authors may feel confused about the use of certain words. This article explains the difference between the commonly confusing words - "e.g…
Scientific writing: Difference between "e.g.," "i.e.," and "namely"
Hyphens are of two kinds, accidental and intentional. 
Hyphenation: proceed with caution
Constructions like ‘the data reveal that’, ‘Table 1 shows that’, or ‘Figure 2 indicates that’ are common in research papers. But do you…
Scientific writing: Difference between "to reveal," "to show," and "to indicate"
Science demands precision, and part of mastering a subject involves learning the exact differences between words that mean more or less the same thing. An entomologist,…
Understanding synonyms: some reference sources
Headings or headlines are a special kind of text and are not as rigidly governed by conventions of punctuation. Read more...