
Plagiarism in Research

Explanations and examples of different types of plagiarism in research papers
Plagiarizing is often resorted to because it saves time and effort, and many are not even aware that plagiarizing is a violation of ethics. Here we give some examples of…
Self-plagiarism can have unintended consequences, and it is safer to mention upfront that you are reusing your own text – but without violating any copyright – and…
Plagiarism occurs when an individual intentionally or unintentionally uses someone else’s work (text, images, music, videos, data, etc.) and does not give attribution. …
Do you think you can be accused of having plagiarized the content of your academic paper? Read this article to understand why you should avoid plagiarism and how you may…
Given the pressure on researchers to publish and that too in a foreign language, many non–English-speaking researchers may write the paper in their first language and…
Here’s a simple yet effective recipe with five ingredients, which are key to creating a well-written, submission-ready manuscript that delights the journal editor and…
Translated plagiarism occcurs when translated material from publications in a different language is used without citing the source. This form of plagiarism is difficult…
Contributing to the science of nursing helps advance the nursing profession and improve patient outcomes. Essential to this success is encouragement of and support for…
This online course titled Avoid Retractions: Publish Ethically is an effort to provide guided learning on ethics in a simple and systematic manner allowing…